Want to remove a video from a powerpoint presentation?
Including a video in a presentation is a great way to keep an audience engaged. In our previous post we showed two methods for adding a video to a Powerpoint presentation: linking to a video and embedding a video into the presentation. Suppose you have a presentation with an embedded video and you want to remove the video to save it as its own file. It’s a bit more complicated that right clicking on a picture and saving it (but very doable!). In this post, we’ll walk you through removing an embedded video from a Powerpoint presentation to save it as a separate file.
How to Remove a Video from a Powerpoint Presentation
Step 1: Save Powerpoint Presentation
Save the Powerpoint presentation.
- Go to the menu
- Select save as
- Navigate to the folder you’d like to store the presentation in
- Type in the file name you’d like to use
- Press save
- The file will save as a .ppt or pptx file, depending on the version of Powerpoint you’re using. This means that when you save it, the file name will look something like this: presentation_name.ppt.
Step 2: Change File Type to Zip
Next, change the file to a zip file by changing the extension on the filename.
- Open My Computer from your start menu
- If you’re using Windows 8 and don’t have a start menu check out this post on how to easily add a windows 8 start menu.
- You can also open My Computer by pressing the windows key and E
- Open the folder where you saved the Powerpoint presentation
- Find the presentation file, ie: presentation_name.ppt. If you can see the .ppt or .pptx extension, great, go to the next step. If you CAN’T see the .ppt and the file name just looks like presentation_name then you’ll have to adjust your settings so you can see the .ppt. To do this, go to the view menu and, in the show/hide section, click the box next to ‘file name extensions’.
- Right click on the file name and select rename
- Remove the ppt or pptx after the . and change it to zip. Your file should now look like this: presentation_name.zip
Step 3: UnZip the File
Now you need to extract all the files within your newly created “zip file”.
- Right click on the file you just created with the .zip extension
- Select extract all
- A window will pop up which will allow to see or change the folder where the extracted files will be stored. Make sure ‘show extracted files when complete’ is checked
- Click extract
Step 4: Find the Video
All the components of the presentation, including the video, have now been separated into individual files. You’ll now find the video file so you can remove a video from a powerpoint.
- When the extraction is complete and the extracted files window pops up you’ll see several file and folders.
- Open the ppt folder
- Open the media folder
- Your video will be inside the media folder
- Once you find your video, right click on it and select copy
- Then go to the folder where you’d like to save the video, right click and select paste
You now have the video saved as an individual file for use later!
Did you notice the other files that were extracted during this process? Those can now be saved as individual items as well. If you have any questions or ran into any trouble in doing this, leave a comment below so we can help.
Susan - ofeverymoment says
Wonderfully clear instructions Amy – thank you! I must admit – I had no idea how to do any of this? I have seen zip files before – but I have no idea what they are, what their purpose is, and I’ve never have figured out how to unzip them! So many things on a computer are a mystery to me! 😉
Susan – ofeverymoment recently posted…An Easy and Flavorful Tomato Tart
amy says
Thanks Susan. I recently learned this new way to use zip files that I bet most people aren’t aware of. Now you know it too and you’re becoming a computer whiz! 🙂
Alphonse Couturier says
Hey Amy,
Nice write up!!
From a very long time, I wanted to remove a video from my presentation. And you have provided very clear steps for the same. Now I am sure that I will be able to remove it.
Thanks a lot for sharing this post!!
amy says
Glad I could help! When I wanted to do this it wasn’t obvious how to do it so I was hoping this post would help others trying to do the same thing.