How to Capture the Prefect Action Shot with your iPhone Camera
If you take pictures of little kids, sporting events, or any other high speed event you’ll know it’s hard to get a good picture from your iPhone camera. It never seems my finger is fast enough to capture the perfect photo. But, using this trick, I can get a picture of the exact moment I’m looking for. Check it out!
Here are some other iPhone tips you may be interested in:
- Camera Shortcut
- Reachability (Use your iPhone with One Hand)
- Control Center (Access the Most Used Settings with One Motion)
- WiFi Assist (Don’t Get Surprised with a High Cell Phone Bill)
- The Hidden Undo Function
- A Trick for Drafting Emails
- Take a Picture – An Easier Way
- Internet Browsing Tips and Tricks
- Save a Dying Battery
- Add an Internet Shortcut to your Home Screen
- Take a Screenshot (Save a picture of your screen)
- How to See Text Timestamps
Thanks for this tip Amy! I have used the speed shoot feature, but I always forget (or can’t quite figure out) how to edit them so that I don’t fill up my storage with multiples of the same shot. I am going to try to be better at editing this right away from now on!
My blogging routine sort of fell apart recently, so I haven’t been posting much or visiting many blogs. Hoping to get on a better schedule this month – and I am spending today getting caught up on my favorite blogs- yours definitely being one of these!
Susan – ofeverymoment recently posted…A Simple Trick for Hanging Up a Sweater
Thanks for stopping by Susan – it’s great to “see” you again! The internet and blogging can certainly suck up your time and life so I hope you’ve been spending your time away enjoying yourself and your life. 🙂 Either way it’s nice to see you and thanks for stopping by!!